April found me working furiously for the arrival of the editorial board for the Quaker Youth Book Project. Our meeting was held at Twin Rocks on the Oregon Coast and my job was to plan hosts and excursions for the four members who were staying before and/or after. I also read all the submissions we had been recieving in preparation to decide together which ones to publish in the book. Our time together was full of joy, challenge, learning a lot about each other and our cultures (we're from five different countries), and creating a wonderful book which by the way, will be published in April 2010. Before our meeting, I hosted our friend, Emma, from Bolivia, and afterward, I showed Emma, John, Angelina, and Harriet the Tulip Festival, Silver Creek Falls, George Fox University, the Hoover House, Newburg Friends Church, and Multnomah Friends Meeting. I am really looking forward to seeing them all again when we meet this coming April to release the book in Richmond, Indianna.