How are you, really?

I almost gave myself a night off with the promise of catching up tomorrow afternoon but decided to go ahead and post instead. After all, I won't get a lot of sleep as I am supposed to be up at the seminary at 9:30 in the morning. No, I am not auditing another class, that will be in the fall. I am attending the George Fox Evangelical Seminary / Western Evangelical Seminary reunion. For the 61 years they have existed, they have never held a reunion so I am really looking forward to this one.

As I am one of the more recent graduates, I am hoping there will be a lot of people I know. And I need to remember to bring MaryKate's book that I ordered from a bookseller so I can have her sign it. I think that book is going to be going on the plane with me to Milwaukee. But for now, I am really looking forward to spending time with people and in a place that speaks to a depth of my soul that I have neglected for far too long. It will be nice to be reminded it's there and to talk with others about it. It's like the question my friends who are fellow spiritual directors ask me, "How are you, really?" When they ask like that, the question seems to go beyond polite conversation and I give them a frank and real answer because I know they actually really want to hear how I'm really doing. I love people who listen and I love being that person who listens for others.

365-09 #135

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Walking the Sea: How are you, really?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

How are you, really?

I almost gave myself a night off with the promise of catching up tomorrow afternoon but decided to go ahead and post instead. After all, I won't get a lot of sleep as I am supposed to be up at the seminary at 9:30 in the morning. No, I am not auditing another class, that will be in the fall. I am attending the George Fox Evangelical Seminary / Western Evangelical Seminary reunion. For the 61 years they have existed, they have never held a reunion so I am really looking forward to this one.

As I am one of the more recent graduates, I am hoping there will be a lot of people I know. And I need to remember to bring MaryKate's book that I ordered from a bookseller so I can have her sign it. I think that book is going to be going on the plane with me to Milwaukee. But for now, I am really looking forward to spending time with people and in a place that speaks to a depth of my soul that I have neglected for far too long. It will be nice to be reminded it's there and to talk with others about it. It's like the question my friends who are fellow spiritual directors ask me, "How are you, really?" When they ask like that, the question seems to go beyond polite conversation and I give them a frank and real answer because I know they actually really want to hear how I'm really doing. I love people who listen and I love being that person who listens for others.

365-09 #135

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