I am Me

Tonight was our first tap class after a wonderfully long break of a month and a half. During the break, Stacey and Sheri participated in a tap workshop in Vancouver BC and as is always the case, she brought back new material for us. Tonight she talked a lot about being loose, relaxed, dancing out of our core, and not being concerned with dancing on the outside, but dancing on the inside.

This got me thinking for the rest of the evening. I'm still putting this into words for myself but I will try to share it with you. Perhaps by sharing some of my own heart, you will find truth in it for yours.

There are many people in my life and I belong to a variety of groups who all see me in a different way, some truer than others. I value these groups and these relationships but living out of who they think I am is like dancing on the outside. God gave us each an internal rhythm and it is the music I hear and feel on the inside that I need to pay attention to. It is important to not get caught up in the music others play for me, good though it may be, I need to keep listening to the music inside of me, the song God wrote within me before I was born. Sometimes that means taking chances on a dream, sometimes saying no when others say yes or shouting yes when others scream no. It is knowing who I am and keeping my focus on what I have been called to do and not letting things distract me. It is living out of my soul with integrity.

I am myself. I will always be myself. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what anyone else says. I am simply me with my hands fused into God's thus I am complete.

This is one of my favorite stories, one sinking ever deeper and deeper into my heart as a living journey I continue to walk.

365-09 #255

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Walking the Sea: I am Me

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I am Me

Tonight was our first tap class after a wonderfully long break of a month and a half. During the break, Stacey and Sheri participated in a tap workshop in Vancouver BC and as is always the case, she brought back new material for us. Tonight she talked a lot about being loose, relaxed, dancing out of our core, and not being concerned with dancing on the outside, but dancing on the inside.

This got me thinking for the rest of the evening. I'm still putting this into words for myself but I will try to share it with you. Perhaps by sharing some of my own heart, you will find truth in it for yours.

There are many people in my life and I belong to a variety of groups who all see me in a different way, some truer than others. I value these groups and these relationships but living out of who they think I am is like dancing on the outside. God gave us each an internal rhythm and it is the music I hear and feel on the inside that I need to pay attention to. It is important to not get caught up in the music others play for me, good though it may be, I need to keep listening to the music inside of me, the song God wrote within me before I was born. Sometimes that means taking chances on a dream, sometimes saying no when others say yes or shouting yes when others scream no. It is knowing who I am and keeping my focus on what I have been called to do and not letting things distract me. It is living out of my soul with integrity.

I am myself. I will always be myself. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what anyone else says. I am simply me with my hands fused into God's thus I am complete.

This is one of my favorite stories, one sinking ever deeper and deeper into my heart as a living journey I continue to walk.

365-09 #255

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