Life is Like...

Life is like blackberry bushes in the summer. There is an abundance of delectable fruit to be picked off the vine but you have to get past the thorns first. The berries are indeed worth the thorns, but just watch out for them.

Life is like putting fertilizer in the garden. We regularly get crap dumped on us but it is what we do with the crap that makes the difference. If we let the hard things in our lives challenge us and encourage our growth, we will become more than we ever thought possible.

365-09 #250


Walking the Sea: Life is Like...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Life is Like...

Life is like blackberry bushes in the summer. There is an abundance of delectable fruit to be picked off the vine but you have to get past the thorns first. The berries are indeed worth the thorns, but just watch out for them.

Life is like putting fertilizer in the garden. We regularly get crap dumped on us but it is what we do with the crap that makes the difference. If we let the hard things in our lives challenge us and encourage our growth, we will become more than we ever thought possible.

365-09 #250



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