What I've Been Up To

"So Sarah, what in the world have you been up to all week that you would neglect your blog?" I can hear you all saying that so I thought today I would show you what I have been up to. Every show is special to me for different reasons, the people, the story, what I learn about acting, others, myself, and life. This one I have really enjoyed because it makes me laugh a lot, I have become friends with some of the actors in the show, and for the lessons it's been teaching me. A review of the show will be showing up on my blog in the coming days.

365-09 #189

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Walking the Sea: What I've Been Up To

Sunday, July 12, 2009

What I've Been Up To

"So Sarah, what in the world have you been up to all week that you would neglect your blog?" I can hear you all saying that so I thought today I would show you what I have been up to. Every show is special to me for different reasons, the people, the story, what I learn about acting, others, myself, and life. This one I have really enjoyed because it makes me laugh a lot, I have become friends with some of the actors in the show, and for the lessons it's been teaching me. A review of the show will be showing up on my blog in the coming days.

365-09 #189

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