
This afternoon I went down to the World Beat Festival here in Salem to watch Stacey dance with the Molly Malone Irish Dancers. She devotes herself to what she loves. It's obvious. It's in every step and every smile, so though the show doesn't change that much, and I've seen them perform many times, it's fun to watch for that reason alone. That and I'm in amazement over their skill in hard shoes.

It's always fun to watch someone do what their heart desires. They are lit up like the sun. Watching her, I was and am reminded how important that is and how things can get so muddled up when I don't do what I am meant to do. I have this picture in my head of God looking at me and saying, "Sarah, you are not doing what you are created for. Why?" I have yet to come up with an answer that doesn't sound lame.

But that's alright, it's going to change. For now, I'm going to enjoy watching her dance and smile. Here are some of the photos I took this afternoon. I got to tell you, it is so much fun to take pictures of photogenic people. It's one of the reasons I love working at the theatre. Free photographic reign. Though not my highest calling, it does come close.

365-09 #178

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Walking the Sea: Smile!

Saturday, June 27, 2009


This afternoon I went down to the World Beat Festival here in Salem to watch Stacey dance with the Molly Malone Irish Dancers. She devotes herself to what she loves. It's obvious. It's in every step and every smile, so though the show doesn't change that much, and I've seen them perform many times, it's fun to watch for that reason alone. That and I'm in amazement over their skill in hard shoes.

It's always fun to watch someone do what their heart desires. They are lit up like the sun. Watching her, I was and am reminded how important that is and how things can get so muddled up when I don't do what I am meant to do. I have this picture in my head of God looking at me and saying, "Sarah, you are not doing what you are created for. Why?" I have yet to come up with an answer that doesn't sound lame.

But that's alright, it's going to change. For now, I'm going to enjoy watching her dance and smile. Here are some of the photos I took this afternoon. I got to tell you, it is so much fun to take pictures of photogenic people. It's one of the reasons I love working at the theatre. Free photographic reign. Though not my highest calling, it does come close.

365-09 #178

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