Falling In

Today has been one of those full and fun days. Tomorrow promises to be the same. However, a lot is on my mind and I wish there was some kind of outlet where I could quiet it down. After this morning's tap class, I came home, went to the pool, and threw myself in. Fully clothed. It felt really, really good while it washed away some of the intensity in my body and mind so I could focus on the rest of the day. Too bad the pool is now closed. Sometimes I just need to throw myself into a place where I can't touch the ground. It feels like falling into the hands of God.

365-09 #157

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Walking the Sea: Falling In

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Falling In

Today has been one of those full and fun days. Tomorrow promises to be the same. However, a lot is on my mind and I wish there was some kind of outlet where I could quiet it down. After this morning's tap class, I came home, went to the pool, and threw myself in. Fully clothed. It felt really, really good while it washed away some of the intensity in my body and mind so I could focus on the rest of the day. Too bad the pool is now closed. Sometimes I just need to throw myself into a place where I can't touch the ground. It feels like falling into the hands of God.

365-09 #157

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