Thunder Storm

Tonight I've been working on newsletters for my website. It is now updated as far as May and I'm working on writing the one for June. When school gets out, I'll be tweaking the website a bit. It's one of those things that have fallen under the category of "when school gets out..."

Today we had a thunderstorm here in the northwest. The emergency radio announcement came on while I was driving to let the dog out where I was house sitting. Laying outside with her, I felt a raindrop and noticed the wind had picked up but by the time I left, I stood in the doorway stunned while watching TORRENTS of water falling from the sky accompanied by loud thunder claps and bright lightening. I wanted to get home and I figured it wasn't going to get better so I hurried to my car getting the trash to the curb on my way. By the time I climbed into the car, I was soaked through and dripping with water. I could hardly see through the rain while I was driving the three minutes it takes me to get home. That was some crazy, crazy weather. I always love thunder storms as they remind me of how overwhelmingly big God is. I remember one time while house sitting for Christine, Sasha, her dog, and I just sat on the back porch and listened to the thunder in majestic awe. Later in the evening tonight, I looked out my bedroom window and saw the streak of bright pink clouds lining the horizon. I looked at God, smiled, and commented, "Nice touch." It's amazing to see such an artist at work.

365-09 #155


Walking the Sea: Thunder Storm

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thunder Storm

Tonight I've been working on newsletters for my website. It is now updated as far as May and I'm working on writing the one for June. When school gets out, I'll be tweaking the website a bit. It's one of those things that have fallen under the category of "when school gets out..."

Today we had a thunderstorm here in the northwest. The emergency radio announcement came on while I was driving to let the dog out where I was house sitting. Laying outside with her, I felt a raindrop and noticed the wind had picked up but by the time I left, I stood in the doorway stunned while watching TORRENTS of water falling from the sky accompanied by loud thunder claps and bright lightening. I wanted to get home and I figured it wasn't going to get better so I hurried to my car getting the trash to the curb on my way. By the time I climbed into the car, I was soaked through and dripping with water. I could hardly see through the rain while I was driving the three minutes it takes me to get home. That was some crazy, crazy weather. I always love thunder storms as they remind me of how overwhelmingly big God is. I remember one time while house sitting for Christine, Sasha, her dog, and I just sat on the back porch and listened to the thunder in majestic awe. Later in the evening tonight, I looked out my bedroom window and saw the streak of bright pink clouds lining the horizon. I looked at God, smiled, and commented, "Nice touch." It's amazing to see such an artist at work.

365-09 #155



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