I hope you all had a wonderful St. Patrick's Day! Besides wearing green, the day wasn't a big deal to me when I was growing up but ever since I became involved in Irish Dancing, I have loved the joys surrounding it. My favorite of which is watching my friend Stacey dance with the Molly Malone Irish Dancers. She is an extaordinary dancer as well as the other women who dance in the troupe, watching them is always one of my delights. That was on Sunday, the day before St. Patrick's Day. On the actual day, I went down to Great Harvest, a bakery that gives you a free cookie if you do a jig. I don't care much for the free cookie but I admittedly like dancing the jig to get it. Stacey says dancing, and exercise in general, is not so much to prolong your life, but to enrich it. Dancing can bring so much joy to life and teaches you things you may not learn anywhere else. I know at least for myself, I can't imagine my life without dance. In addition to Irish, I also participate in Israeli dancing when I can get it and I regularly tap dance. It's so much fun to not only dance and move my body, but to become a musical instrument myself through my feet. You can find more information on the tap dancing classes Stacey teaches at http://www.ontapdancing.com/ . Come check it out and dance for life! Labels: Irish, Israeli, Molly Malone Irish Dancers, St. Patrick's Day, Tap Dancing