Heaven's Light

Tonight while working on my computer, the sun was casting a red and golden soft light on the world and looking out across the lawn and other apartment building (I have a good view on the 3rd floor), I thought to myself, "It looks a little like Heaven." It reminded me of the garden I imagaine God and I walk in together. The trees, the soft light, it was one of the moments when you are swept away in the timelessness of beyond. It sounds rather like the moment you had with the trees. I wonder if those moments just come on occassion or if there are ways I can be more open to them. (?) Sometimes I wonder how much we expect to see specific images of God and how often we let him take us by surprise? Was it C.S. Lewis who said that God in his mercy shatters the images of him we hold? We have to just keep looking. I really liked that quote.

365-09 #288


Walking the Sea: Heaven's Light

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Heaven's Light

Tonight while working on my computer, the sun was casting a red and golden soft light on the world and looking out across the lawn and other apartment building (I have a good view on the 3rd floor), I thought to myself, "It looks a little like Heaven." It reminded me of the garden I imagaine God and I walk in together. The trees, the soft light, it was one of the moments when you are swept away in the timelessness of beyond. It sounds rather like the moment you had with the trees. I wonder if those moments just come on occassion or if there are ways I can be more open to them. (?) Sometimes I wonder how much we expect to see specific images of God and how often we let him take us by surprise? Was it C.S. Lewis who said that God in his mercy shatters the images of him we hold? We have to just keep looking. I really liked that quote.

365-09 #288



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