So Much for That Idea...

I am writing to sounds of the coolest band you've ever heard: "The Barbers". Okay, they are not actually a band, they're better! My friend Emma from Bolivia is here with me and to get a better idea of what Easter in America is like (they just celebrate Good Friday), I called Deborah and finagled an invitation to an afternoon dinner at her house with friends and family. The whole family plays and/or sings so it's fun when they get together.

I picked Emma up from the airport yesterday evening. Now, I had been told that people such as Emma and John are more conservative than we tend to be here in the Northwest so I was rather prepared for that. However, a show I love to go to in Portland, LiveWire!, happened to be last night so as a surprise, I arranged for us to go along with my friend, Deanna. Now, LiveWire! I admit, is the liberal end of Oregon culture. Still, I thought it would be fun for her to see. However, I was not counting on the man in the red dress handing out the programs. That was a fun one to explain. I also didn't know they are not allowed to drink in their yearly meeting. Where is the first place we go? A bar down the street for fries and water to talk while we wait for Deanna to arrive. But I was still pretty happy. After all, Peggy told me, "Just don't take her to the tattoo parlor. Tattoos mean something very different in South America." And I had no reason to take her. It was not on our tour agenda. But then... I found out my camera's battery charger is missing. I can't find it anywhere. I have to take pictures at the theatre tomorrow and I need my camera for the board meeting. Both of my batteries are nearly drained. Emily and Ali both have cameras similar to mine. Thus, where are we going? Yup. To the tattoo parlor to borrow the battery charger. So much for that idea, huh? She is certainly getting a good dose of Northwest culture. I am going to balance this all out with going to the mall, touring the capital, a walk through the park, and a play where a man comes out in a towel... Hmm... Well, so much for the idea too. You know what? I'm me. This is my culture. This is what she wants to see. I tell you though, it certainly has made me see my world in new eyes. She has an incredible story. and seeing things with her, is like seeing a whole new aspect to the people and land around me agains and agains and agains.

365-09 #102


Walking the Sea: So Much for That Idea...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

So Much for That Idea...

I am writing to sounds of the coolest band you've ever heard: "The Barbers". Okay, they are not actually a band, they're better! My friend Emma from Bolivia is here with me and to get a better idea of what Easter in America is like (they just celebrate Good Friday), I called Deborah and finagled an invitation to an afternoon dinner at her house with friends and family. The whole family plays and/or sings so it's fun when they get together.

I picked Emma up from the airport yesterday evening. Now, I had been told that people such as Emma and John are more conservative than we tend to be here in the Northwest so I was rather prepared for that. However, a show I love to go to in Portland, LiveWire!, happened to be last night so as a surprise, I arranged for us to go along with my friend, Deanna. Now, LiveWire! I admit, is the liberal end of Oregon culture. Still, I thought it would be fun for her to see. However, I was not counting on the man in the red dress handing out the programs. That was a fun one to explain. I also didn't know they are not allowed to drink in their yearly meeting. Where is the first place we go? A bar down the street for fries and water to talk while we wait for Deanna to arrive. But I was still pretty happy. After all, Peggy told me, "Just don't take her to the tattoo parlor. Tattoos mean something very different in South America." And I had no reason to take her. It was not on our tour agenda. But then... I found out my camera's battery charger is missing. I can't find it anywhere. I have to take pictures at the theatre tomorrow and I need my camera for the board meeting. Both of my batteries are nearly drained. Emily and Ali both have cameras similar to mine. Thus, where are we going? Yup. To the tattoo parlor to borrow the battery charger. So much for that idea, huh? She is certainly getting a good dose of Northwest culture. I am going to balance this all out with going to the mall, touring the capital, a walk through the park, and a play where a man comes out in a towel... Hmm... Well, so much for the idea too. You know what? I'm me. This is my culture. This is what she wants to see. I tell you though, it certainly has made me see my world in new eyes. She has an incredible story. and seeing things with her, is like seeing a whole new aspect to the people and land around me agains and agains and agains.

365-09 #102



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