Get Moving!

People keep asking me if I'm writing more poetry. Not even the polite questions of "I know you enjoy it" but are more along the insisitent lines of "I love reading it, why aren't you writing it? Get moving!" God has been saying the same exact thing, "I love reading it, why aren't you writing it? Get moving!" This should tell me something. Now if I could just figure out what that is...

365-09 #4

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Walking the Sea: Get Moving!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Get Moving!

People keep asking me if I'm writing more poetry. Not even the polite questions of "I know you enjoy it" but are more along the insisitent lines of "I love reading it, why aren't you writing it? Get moving!" God has been saying the same exact thing, "I love reading it, why aren't you writing it? Get moving!" This should tell me something. Now if I could just figure out what that is...

365-09 #4

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