Chris is three and a half years old and my adopted nephew. I met his mom when we sang the ABC's together over a CB radio on a trip to Tijuana when we were both in college. With a meeting like that, we've been friends ever since. Jennifer and her husband live in Portland so we trade back and forth who makes the drive when we get together. Today it was her turn so she and Chris met me at my apartment and we went to the A.C. Gilbert Discovery Village Children's Museum. I have always wanted to go but never had a kid to take. Jennifer, who is pregnant with her second child, said I could have hers. Chris was very excited, we even rode the carousel in the neighboring park. I always love having one of my nieces or newphew around. No matter what is going on in my life, they always give me light and perspective. They are so much fun, even when they are being stubborn and say no. (The girls are 2 1/2.) And all three of them have their Aunt Sarah wrapped around their little fingers since the day they were born. They give me so much joy. Some of our favorite things at the museum were freezing our shadows, the balance board, the room that videod you for a cool picture, the Chinese room, loooong slide, and Chris really liked the grocery store and the sand pit. We had so much fun! Thanks for the visit Jennifer and Chris!
Here are some pictures of our day. The one of just me is a publicity shot Jennifer took as I need an author photo to submit with an article I'm writing. The publicity shots I have are now over two years old since they were taken for the second book. Soon I am going to need to go out with a photographer for a new batch. For a while though, I think this one will work great. Have an awesome day!

The King and Queen on their thrones.

I grew up seeing this rocking chair out on Lancaster.

I had fun practicing my numbers which I actually already knew from studying Japanese. Maybe they are Chinese too...

I call this "Dancing with Hoop"
Simply titled, "Chris".

See you soon!
Labels: Family, Photography